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Integrated Pre-School Program

The Ewing Public Schools Integrated Pre-School Program

The Ewing Public School District has completed the LOTTERY selection for tuition-paying students for the 2024-2025 Pre-School Program.

During the week of May 6th, the Central Registration Office mailed letters via USPS to parents/guardians who submitted lottery applications notifying them of their lottery status. 

The anticipated programs will be located at Antheil, Lore and Parkway Elementary Schools. These programs service both typically-developing children (Tuition Students), and children with special needs, ages three to five years old. 

If you would like to add your child to the wait list for the 2024-2025 school year, please use the link below:

Pre School Waitlist Form

Please note: Completing a wait list application does not guarantee a seat in the preschool program. If space becomes available, parents/guardians will be contacted from the wait list in the order in which the wait list forms were received. 


The Ewing School District Integrated Pre-School Programs at Antheil, Lore and Parkway Elementary Schools serve both typically developing and special needs children, who are three to five years of age. The program will immerse children in a variety of language-related activities, art and music activities, learning readiness skills and hands-on activities that promote academic and emotional growth. Each session will be comprised of up to eight typically developing children, and up to eight children with special needs.

  • The morning session will run from: 9:15 am until 11:45 am. 
  • The afternoon session will run from: 12:45 pm until 3:15 pm.

Our special needs children are placed in the program through eligibility criteria outlined in the New Jersey Administrative Code.

Due to high demand, children paying tuition will be placed in the program (based on availability) via a LOTTERY SELECTION. If a spot is offered, registration must be completed, and a monthly tuition fee will be charged. 


Children must be three (3) years of age before they can start the program. Placement into the morning or afternoon session is up to the Pre-School Coordinator. All students must be residents of Ewing Township.


If your child has special needs, or if you would like to request an evaluation with our child study team, please contact Christine Magana at: 609-538-9800 ext. 4182 for more information.


The monthly tuition fee for students accepted into the program is $370* per month and will be paid to the Ewing Public School District. Invoices will be emailed and payment is expected on the fifth of each month. The first and last months' tuition, plus a non-refundable $25 registration fee, for a total of $765 is due by July 1, 2024.



Please contact: Maria Petsos

John F. Gusz Building

609-538-9800 extension 7176



Please contact: Ashley McKeon

John F. Gusz Building

609-538-9800 extension 7175



Please contact: Mirika Colvin

John F. Gusz Building

609-538-9800 extension 7182



 *Monthly tuition rates are subject to change