Antheil Garden Club
The Antheil Garden Club began in fall 2008. It is a group of volunteer teachers and parents working with 4th and 5th grade students to care for and learn about our gardens in the courtyard. The club meets several time in the fall and again in the spring to plan, weed, rake, plant, paint and create informational posters.
In the fall, students have fun learning to dig just the right size holes for our spring bulbs. They also plant assorted pansies and fall mums which add beautiful color to the gardens. In addition, fall is the time students do a good garden clean-up to get ready for the winter months. Leaves and other debris are raked up and added to our brush pile. Perennials are cut back and added to our compost bin. Our shed and seating areas are inspected, repaired, and painted as needed. When spring comes the students and other volunteers help to spread mulch. We enjoy the early blooming spring flowers and try to keep up with the weeding!
Throughout the year the courtyard garden area is available as an outdoor classroom for all the teachers and students of Antheil. It is used for hands-on experiences in science and math. It is used as inspiration for our creative writers. Often, it is used as a stage for presentations of plays and poetry. Sometimes, it is used for class celebrations and school events. Whichever way it is being used, it is an area we are proud to have at our school and the garden club is dedicated to maintaining its beauty.
Remember, our amazing courtyard gardens are maintained solely by volunteers and donations. Watch for fliers informing you of “Garden Volunteer Days”.
If you wish to donate, participate, or have an activity in mind for the garden club, please feel free to contact: Rosemarie Bonomo